The payload is based on the design of a
previous successful experiment (NITE, the Near
Infrared Telescope Experiment). The
experiment section is mounted
in a downward-looking configuration as part of
the larger payload package,
with Wallops-provided modules for telemetry,
attitude control, guidance, and recovery. The
experiment section is located below a transition
module containing the CIBER readout
electronics, cryogenic fill lines, and a sidelooking
star tracker.
The attitude control system for CIBER will
provide < 3" pointing stability in 25 s. Each
imager has a dedicated 10 Mbps telemetry link,
giving an array sample rate of 1.7 s. The data
from the two spectrometers will be combined
with housekeeping onto a third dedicated 10
Mbps link.
CIBER can observe a number of science fields, which are distributed over a wide
range of ecliptic latitudes to measure zodiacal
emission with the two spectrometers. We
observe four deep fields in 50 s integrations
with the imagers. These fields coincide with
Spitzer and Akari fields with deep ancillary
coverage in order to facilitate galaxy removal.